Sunday 15 January 2017

How to install Eclipse Neon IDE in Linux Ubuntu 16.10

This is about how to install Eclipse IDE for Java Developers in Linux Ubuntu 16.10 ;In video I have used Eclipse IDE Version: Neon.2 Release(4.6.2)

Please check out the video for install Eclipse.

So before installing Eclipse, make sure you have Java JDK installed on your Linux.To check it our follows these steps:

Open Terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T keys.
Type java- version
If JDK is installed on your Linux then you will see the installed version of it as shown below.

If the results in terminal are not as follows then type these commands one by one and press enter after each command:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Press Y/Yes/Ok whenever prompted during process.

and now in terminal type java -version
Now you should see the install version of JDK.

Let's proceed to install Eclipse.
Download the Eclipse IDE from the website. Click here to download.
Now paste the downloaded zip file on Desktop.

Right click on the zip file and select Extract here option. This will unzip the file.

Note: Make sure then name of the folder is eclipse which is obtained after extraction and in that folder the executable file name is also eclipse.
The commands below are corresponding to that name.

Now open Terminal and type

cd Desktop

sudo mv eclipse /usr/local

cd /usr/local

cd eclipse


The setup process will start.

Now select the workspace location if you want to or let it remain as it is(home/username/workspace).

Now close the Eclipse IDE and open application menu and try searching Eclipse. If you can't find the eclipse icon in the menu bar then,

open terminal and type and press enter button.

gedit .local/share/applications/eclipse.desktop

Gedit will open and you will see it as blank or something written in it. Now delete everything if anything is there and paste the code which is given here and save the file.

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Integrated Development Environment

Close the gedit window and go to applications menu and search for eclipse. Click on eclipse to launch the IDE

In the launcher right click on Eclipse icon and select Lock to Launcher. Now you can directly launch IDE from launcher.

And now enjoy Eclipse on your Linux!

Monday 9 January 2017

Car Parking using Ultrasonic sensor and Arduino

Hello everyone!
Recently we made a project 'Car Parking' using Arduino Uno. Check out the video we made of the project.

Components required :
Arduino Uno
Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04
Buzzer FC-49
LED- Red, Yellow, Green/Blue
Male to male connectors
10k ohm Potentiometer
LCD Display 16x2

First of all you should download and install Arduino IDE.To code the program you should have basic knowledge of C language.

Here is the code we have used for our project:

LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2);
int trig=12;
int echo=13;
int buzzer=11;
int ledb=8;
int ledr=9;
int ledy=10;
void setup() {
 // put your setup code here, to run once:
lcd.begin(16, 2);

void loop()
long duration,distance;
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

  Serial.print("DANGER ");
  Serial.println(" cm");
  lcd.print("DANGER ");
  lcd.print(" cm ");
else if((distance>=10)&&(distance<=20))
  Serial.print("SLOW DOWN ");
  Serial.println(" cm");
  lcd.print("GO SLOW ");
  lcd.print("cm ");

  Serial.print("OK ");
  Serial.println(" cm");
  lcd.print("OK ");
  lcd.print(" cm ");


First you have to include libraries of components you gonna use in your project. Here for LCD display we have used <LiquidCrystal.h> and then set the data type same as you do in C language. In void setup() you have tell the arduino, which pins are for O/P and which are for I/P by using command pinMode. digitalWrite are used as digital commands for LED to turn ON/OFF. Serial.begin is used to print required O/P on Serial Monitor. lcd.clear() is used to blank the LCD and lcd.begin(16,2) is used to start the LCD.
This code will be executed only once. The code you will put in void loop() will be executed continuously. To know the function of each command please visit Arduino website.
   Ultrasonic sensor Transmits a pulse and it is reflected back from the obstacle. The reflected pulse is received by receiver of the sensor and the time duration required by the pulse to come back to sensor is given to Arduino.
basically the formula to calculate distance is
Distance= (Velocity x Time)/2
(Velocity = 340 m/s)
So to display the distance in cm, we have formula

Here we have used if-else loop. When the distance is less the 10 cm then red LED will glow and buzzer will start beeping at high rate and message will be displayed on LCD as Danger and corresponding distance. When the distance is between 10 to 20 cm then yellow LED will glow , buzzer will start beeping at low rate and on LCD message will be displayed as Go Slow and corresponding distance and when the distance is greater than 20 cm then blue LED will glow and buzzer will not beep; on LCD message will be displayed as OK and corresponding distance.

Now, lets build the circuit on breadboard.
Place the components as shown in the picture.(I have used two breadboards to show because of limited space on first breadboard. You will only need one breadboard.)

Lets start with LCD.

LCD Display 16x2 (Front)
LCD Display 16x2 (Back)

Connect PIN4 (RS) to digital PIN7 of Arduino
PIN6 (Enable) to digital PIN6
PIN11 (D4) to digital PIN5
PIN12 (D5) to digital PIN4
PIN13(D6)  to digital PIN3
PIN14(D7)  to digital PIN2
PIN2(VCC)  to   3.3V PIN
PIN1(VSS) to ground (GND)
PIN3(VEE) to Wiper PIN of Potentiometer

For Ultrasonic sensor

Ultrasonic HC-SR04

connect VCC(+5V) and GND
Conncet Trigger PIN to Digital PIN12 of Arduino
Echo PIN to Digital PIN13 of Arduino.

For Buzzer

Buzzer FC-49

Connect VCC(+5V) and GND
I/O PIN to digital PIN11 of Arduino

Connect LED,s anode to digital PINs of Arduino
Red LED - PIN9
Blue LED - PIN8
Yellow LED - PIN10

Connect Potentiometer

Connect VCC (+5V) and GND PINs
Connect Wiper PIN to LCD PIN3

This project is made my Sanul RaskarAniruddha TongeSaurabh Damle & Sanket Jadhav.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Indroduction Of Sidewalk Labs...

                                                        Sidewalk Labs
Many of you are reading this post while living in a city. And you can probably think of a ton of ways you’d like your city to be better—more affordable housing, better public transport, less pollution, more parks and green spaces, safer biking paths, a shorter commute... the list goes on!

Many cities around the world have already made a lot of progress in some of these areas—for instance, developing dashboards to measure and visualize traffic patterns, and building tools that let residents instantly evaluate and provide feedback on city services. But a lot of urban challenges are interrelated—for example, availability of transportation affects where people choose to live, which affects housing prices, which affects quality of life. So it helps to start from first principles and get a big-picture view of the many factors that affect city life. Then, you can develop the technologies and partnerships you need to make a difference.

So I’m very excited about +Sidewalk Labs​, a new company we’ve announced today. (The press release is at if you want to read more).  Sidewalk will focus on improving city life for everyone by developing and incubating urban technologies to address issues like cost of living, efficient transportation and energy usage. The company will be led by Dan Doctoroff, former CEO of Bloomberg and Deputy Mayor of Economic Development and Rebuilding for the City of New York. Every time I talk with Dan I feel an amazing sense of opportunity because of all the ways technology can help transform cities to be more livable, flexible and vibrant.  I want to thank +Adrian who helped to bring Dan on board.

While this is a relatively modest investment and very different from Google's core business, it’s an area where I hope we can really improve people’s lives, similar to Google[x] and Calico. Making long-term, 10X bets like this is hard for most companies to do, but Sergey and I have always believed that it’s important. And as more and more people around the world live, work and settle in cities, the opportunities for improving our urban environments are endless. Now it’s time to hit the streets and get to work!
                                                                                  .........Larry Page

A Safer Internet

                                     SAFE ONLINE
       The internet can be a confusing and dangerous place. Without a safety net, many people can fall into the danger zone of pornography, predators, online scams, internet viruses and spyware. With such free access to the internet around the world, many have abused it as an opportunity to take advantage of others.

      But there’s no reason to fear the Internet. When used properly, with the right precautions and the right information; the internet educates, positively influences and provides a creative outlet for today’s kids.
       The internet offers so many opportunities to explore, create and collaborate. But it’s important to keep yourself safe and secure, so you can make the most of it.
      There are many different kinds of cyber crime. A criminal might try to gain access to your information-
Like your email password
Banking details
Social security number……


Filter search results. By turning on SafeSearch in Google Search, you can hide most of the mature content that you or your family may prefer to avoid.  This includes explicit images and videos. You can also lock SafeSearch on your computer by logging into your Google account and changing your settings
Safe viewing in YouTube. Just as you can filter content in Google Search, you can also restrict the videos that your kids can watch on YouTube. YouTube Safety Mode blocks videos with age-restricted content, so they won’t show up in video search, related videos, playlists, shows and films.
Browse the web with guidance. When enabled, Supervised User for Google Chrome allows you to review a history of pages that have been viewed, allow or block certain sites, and manage which websites your family members can visit and use incognito mode while browsing on public computers
 More secure email. Gmail offers two-step verification, which means you’ll need more than just your password to login.  Whenever you sign into Gmail, you’ll be asked for a unique verification code that will be sent to your phone via text, voice call, or our mobile app. So even if your password gets stolen, it’s not enough to access your account.
Share selectively. Google+ Circles helps put you control of what you share online. By putting the different people you know in different circles, you can share the right things with the right people


Avoid publishing your full name, home address, email ID, mobile number and images where they are easily accessible by others.
Never give out personal details to online friend you don’t know offline
Do not share passwords, user name, account IDs or PINs with anyone besides your parents
Never post anything you wouldn’t want your parents & teachers to see.
Remember that once you post information online, you can’t take it back. 
Even if you delete the information from a site, a older versions exist on other people’s computer.
Do not leave mobile phones or other personal electronics unattended.
Remember there are impersonators out there who lie about their real identity.
Never agree to meet someone you only know online
Never open message or attachments from someone you don’t know, it may be a virus or worse- an inappropriate image or film.
Only add people as friends on social networking sites and instant messaging programs if you know them in real life.
What you do not do in real life, don’t do on the internet.
Talk to your parents if something feels inappropriate or makes you feel uncomfortable.